Maybe the BEST NFL quaterback in the league!
Russell Wilson and his wife, pop star Ciara, practiced abstinence before they were married. "You shouldn’t feel like you have to give your body away to get someone to like you" Ciara said. A truely beautiful couple.
Ciara Speaks Out About Staying Abstinent With Russell Wilson ->
This is what it means to be STRONG.
A. C. Green is an NBA hall of famer for the world champion Los Angeles Lakers. And he held himself to the highest standards on and off the court. A man who is just as impressve as his NBA credentials!
This is his story by ESPN ->
Another great NFL quaterback who also waited for marriage. He openly discusses sexual purity
"We must put into practice practical things. You can't put yourself in those tempting situations. When you get into a tempting situation you won't think clearly "
Watch his YouTube video ->
This UCLA study shows how the media can potentially influence thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors. Its called "Cultivation theory".
Cultivation theory: Perceptions of reality become more consistent with the content of the films people are watching than the real world
See the study ->
For 100 years Hollywood has used women's bodies as fashion, changing from thin to curvy and from 'sweet and innocent' to sexually aggressive.
Studies have shown that Hollywood influences women's behavior even more than men's. Hollywood's movies lead women to believe that they have to be promiscuous inorder to find a mate.
And it's not true! Our YouTube Video ->
SexAndVirginity 's primary goal is to conduct and distribute scientific studies that show the advantages of saving sex for a major commitment. We have developed and tested (on small sample sets) studies that successfully show that...
1Most men prefer virginity in the woman they marry.
2Having sex with a man doesn't help him fall in love, make a woman more special to him or even guarantee a commitment will follow.
3If a man is using a woman for sex, it is very unlikely that she will get a commitment.
4When a man has serious intentions for a woman he will wait significantly longer for sex than if he intends to just use her for sex.
Below are the survey results of 110 men (ages 18 to 29), conducted by Survey Monkey, for our first study titled ' Men's feelings about the women they marry ' ( - done on September 15, 2016

Question #4: "How would you feel if the woman you marry previously had sexual intercourse with another man that she loved ?"

Question #5: "How would you feel if the woman you marry had sexual intercourse quickly with the men that she previously dated ?"

Question #7: "How would you feel if the woman you marry previously had sexual intercourse with other men on one-night stands ?"

Question #8: "How would you feel if the woman you marry previously had never had sexual intercourse with another man?"

Question #9: "Would you prefer the woman you marry to have previously had zero sex partners or more than zero sex partners?"

NOTE: 10% of heterosexual men who chose "More than zero" to this question, also chose "Very Good" to question #8 and chose either "Bother you a little" or "Bother you a lot" for questions 4, 5 and 7.

I think the reason for this contradiction is that the men are saying that they prefer the woman they marry to be a virgin, but since they themselves did not remain virgins, they may feel they don't deserve one.

Hollywood is viewed as 'cultural leaders'. But what Hollywood REALLY is is a BIG BUSINESS that will say ANYTHING to make money.
Click on Pinocchio to see 'Our Plan' .
PLEASE help us improve things ->